The Control Object

uuidControl unique identifier (autogenerated).
nameAuthorization control name.
descriptionAuthorization control description.
type_of_controlALLOW or DENY.
activeIndicates whether the authorization control is active.
countryAccount owner’s country code. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2-code.
account_idSpecify an account_id to apply the authorization control.
card_idSpecify an card_id to apply the authorization control.
mccMerchant Category Code.
Identifies the type of goods or services provided by the merchant.
You can also specify a range like "0001-9999"
A comma-separated list of Merchant Category Codes.

E.g. ["0123", "2224-2230", "3876"].
midMID (Merchant ID). The unique identification number of a merchant.
You can also specify a range like "0001-9999"
A comma-separated list of merchant identifiers.

E.g. ["123456789012345", "000123456789012", "123456789012"]
start_timeTime the control starts (UTC). ISO8601 Datetime with Timezone.

Eg 2020-07-12T13:46:28.629Z
finish_timeTime the control finishes (UTC). ISO8601 Datetime with Timezone.

Eg 2020-07-12T13:46:28.629Z


   "uuid": "1",   
   "name": "patricia in valentine`s day",
   "description": "This is a control for Mexican country for glossary category, card id and account id of Patricia in valentine's day, and merchant walmart",
   "type_of_control": "ALLOW",
   "active": true,
   "country": [
   "account_id": [
   "card_id": [
   "mcc": [
   "mid": [
   "start_time": “2022-14-02T00:00:00Z”,
   "finish_finish": “2022-15-02T00:00:00Z”