Detailed reference for HTTP error responses in dLocal payment API.
Below you can find an example of a Credit Card payment.
All the errors are returned with appropriate HTTP status code, 4XX or 5XX. The format of all errors is:
Property | Type | Description |
code | Integer | Error code. |
message | String | Human readable message. |
param | String | In case one parameter is wrong. |
Example error
"code": 5005,
"message": "User unauthorized due to cadastral situation"
HTTP Errors
HTTP Status Code | Error Code | Error Detail |
403 Forbidden | 3001 | Invalid Credentials. |
403 Forbidden | 3002 | Unregistered IP address. |
403 Forbidden | 3003 | Merchant has no authorization to use this API. |
404 Forbidden | 4000 | Payment not found. |
400 Bad Request | 5000 | Invalid request. |
400 Bad Request | 5001 | Missing parameter. [parameter_name] |
400 Bad Request | 5002 | Invalid transaction status. |
400 Bad Request | 5003 | Country not supported. |
400 Bad Request | 5004 | Currency not allowed for this country. |
400 Bad Request | 5005 | User unauthorized due to cadastral situation. |
400 Bad Request | 5006 | User limit exceeded. |
400 Bad Request | 5007 | Amount exceeded. |
400 Bad Request | 5008 | Token not found or inactive. |
400 Bad Request | 5009 | Order ID is duplicated. |
400 Bad Request | 5010 | Method not available. |
400 Bad Request | 5011 | Enrollment not found. |
400 Bad Request | 5013 | Unsupported operation. |
400 Bad Request | 5014 | User blacklisted. |
400 Bad Request | 5016 | Amount too low. |
400 Bad Request | 5017 | Invalid API Version. |
400 Bad Request | 5018 | Chargeback in place for this transaction. |
400 Bad Request | 5021 | Acquirer could not process the request. |
400 Bad Request | 5043 | Invalid number of installments. |
400 Bad Request | 5044 | Payment cancellation failed. |
400 Bad Request | 5045 | Enrollment status is not active. |
400 Bad Request | 5046 | External Id is duplicated. |
429 Too many requests | 6000 | Too many requests to the API. |
500 Internal Server Error | 7000 | Failed to process the request. |
504 Gateway Amount | 5010 | Request Timeout. |