Signature creation

Learn how to quickly troubleshoot common signature creation issues.

Signature not match

The signature mismatch issue arises when the cryptographic signature generated by the system does not match the one expected by dLocal. This can be caused by errors in the signing process or alterations during data transmission.

Tips for resolution

  • Implement robust signature handling. Ensure proper implementation of cryptographic signature generation and verification processes.

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Invalid credentials

This issue occurs when the provided credentials (such as API keys, login, or secrets) are incorrect or outdated. It can lead to authentication failures, preventing successful integration.

Tips for resolution

  • Thoroughly check credentials. Double-check and update API keys, usernames, and passwords to ensure they are accurate, also check if the credentials belong to the environment you are testing, for example, if you try using sandbox credentials in the production environment, it will not work.
    • Check all the API keys.
    • Check if the problem is an incorrect x-date.
    • The format should be “Authorization”:”V2-HMAC-SHA256, Signature:<XXX>"".
    • Generate a test HMAC and compare it with the expected value to ensure your credentials are being used correctly.

3001 invalid credential

Tips for resolution

  • Configure initial settings. Make sure your IP has been whitelisted. Learn how to configure.
  • Check your credentials. Confirm x_login and x_trans_keys are used correctly. See more information about API credentials.
  • Verify account and environment alignment. Make sure the account matches the environment you are using. For example: If you switch the sandbox request URL to production, you should also switch the account.

For credential information, refer to the article Get your API credentials.

IPN Signature

Instant Payment Notification (IPN) signature-related issues may arise when validating and processing notifications from dLocal. If the signature verification fails, it can disrupt the flow of information about payment status and updates.

Tips for resolution

Validate IPN signatures. Implement a robust mechanism to validate IPN signatures for accurate processing of payment notifications.

Ensure consistent key handling. Maintain consistency in key handling between IPN notification generation and verification processes.

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