Refunds HTTP Errors

HTTP Status CodeError CodeError Detail
403 Forbidden3001Invalid Credentials.
403 Forbidden3002Unregistered IP address.
403 Forbidden3003Merchant has no authorization to use this API.
404 Not Found4000Payment not found.
404 Not Found4001Refund not found.
400 Bad Request5000Invalid request.
400 Bad Request5001Invalid parameter: [parameter_name].
400 Bad Request5002Invalid transaction status.
400 Bad Request5003Country not supported.
400 Bad Request5007Amount exceeded.
400 Bad Request5011Order refund id is duplicated.
400 Bad Request5012Insufficient funds.
400 Bad Request5013Unsupported operation.
400 Bad Request5016Amount too low.
400 Bad Request5018Chargeback in place for this transaction.
400 Bad Request5020Refund period exceeded.
400 Bad Request5021Acquirer could not process the request.
400 Bad Request5022Order refund id limit characters (100).
400 Bad Request5023Email in order not supported
400 Bad Request5050The length of the [specified] field exceeds the maximum limit allowed.
429 Too many requests6000Too many requests to the API.
500 Internal Server Error7000Failed to process the request.
504 Gateway Timeout5010Request Timeout.