To comply with bank's regulations.
Some countries' bank compliance processes require you to specify each payment's purpose:
Code | Description |
EPFAMT | Family maintenance. |
ISMDCS | Payment for medical care services. |
ISSTDY | Payment of study/tuition costs. |
ISCHAR | Payment for charity reasons. |
EPPROP | Payment of property purchase. |
EPSHAR | Payment of shares. |
EPIVST | Payment of an investment. |
ISUBIL | Payment to common utility provider. |
ISTAXS | Payment of taxes. |
EPTOUR | Tourism. |
EPTKAG | Payment of travel tickets or tourism agencies. |
ISSAVG | Payment to savings/retirement account. |
ISPENS | Pension payment. |
ISPAYR | Payment of payroll. |
ISGDDS | Purchase sale of physical goods. |
ISDGGD | Purchase sale of digital goods. |
ISSUPP | Supplier payment. |
EPREMT | Remittances. |
ISSCVE | Purchase sale of services. |
EPCAPI | Payment of capital contribution. |
EPRENT | Payment of movable property rental. |
ISLOGS | Payment for logistic and/or delivery services. |
EPIVFE | Payment of an investment (interest) owed to a financial entity. |
EPDISP | Disponibilidades. |
EPINSU | Payment of Insurances. |
ISREWD | Rewards. |
ISENTR | Entertainment. |
ISPUBS | Public/government services. |
ISAFFI | Affiliation programs. |
ISRSVC | Purchase sale of recurring services. |
EPLOAN | Foreign or inter-company loans. |