The Installment Plan Object

idStringThe installments plan ID.
countryStringThe country of the installments plan.
currencyStringThe currency of the installments plan.
binStringThe credit card bin.
amountPositive FloatThe amount of the installments plan.
installmentsInstallment ObjectThe installments plan information.
installments_by_bankBooleanIf false: the installment interest is known beforehand and can be shown to the buyer.
If true: The installment interest is not known beforehand and will be determined by the issuer. (*)

* In these cases it is a good practice to give this information to users in the checkout in order to let them know that the bank will apply interests in the card statement.

Example Object

    "id" : "INS54434",
    "country" : "BR",
    "bin" : "435921",
    "amount": 1000.00,
    "currency" : "BRL",
    "installments" : [
            "id" : "INS54434-1",
            "installment_amount" : 1000.00,
            "installments" : 1,
            "total_amount" : 1000.00
            "id" : "INS54434-2",
            "installment_amount" : 550.00,
            "installments" : 2,
            "total_amount" : 1100.00
            "id" : "INS54434-3",
            "installment_amount" : 383.33,
            "installments" : 3,
            "total_amount" : 1150.00
    "installments_by_bank": false