The error code shown when actions related to an account fail.
Error handling
All the Platforms API error responses have the following format:
Field | Type | Description |
code | String | Error’s code. |
message | String | Error’s description. |
field | String | Field indicating the parameter associated with the reported error. |
Example response
"message":"The platform_type is not found.",
Generic errors
HTTP Status | Code | Message |
400 | invalid_account_status | Invalid account status. |
500 | internal_error | Internal error. |
403 | unauthorized | Unauthorized |
403 | authentication_failed | Authentication failed. |
401 | invalid_credentials | Invalid credentials |
It is necessary to review the details of each service to learn more about all the possible errors returned for each specific case
Error codes
Account creation
HTTP Status | Code | Message | Field |
400 | platform_type_not_found | The platform_type is not found. | platform_type |
400 | invalid_platform_type | The platform_type is not associated with the Platform account. | platform_type |
400 | invalid_account_name | Account name length must be less than 100 characters. | account_name |
400 | invalid_name_length | The name length must be between 2 and 100. | account_name |
400 | invalid_name_not_null | The name cannot be null or empty. | account_name |
400 | invalid_email_format | The email format is not valid. | account_email |
400 | invalid_email_length | Email length must be between 2 and 60. | account_email |
400 | invalid_notification_url | The notification URL is not valid. | notification_url |
400 | country_required | The country cannot be null or empty. | country |
400 | country_not_supported | Invalid country. | account_country |
400 | invalid_external_id_length | account_external_reference length must be between 2 and 100. | account_external_reference |
400 | invalid_tax_not_null | Invalid tax_id . | company_information. tax_id |
400 | invalid_company_registered_name | Registered name length must be less than 200 characters. | company_information. registered_name |
400 | invalid_company_document_number | Invalid company document number. | company_information. document_number |
400 | invalid_document_type | Invalid company document type. | company_information. document_type |
400 | invalid_company_expedition_date | Invalid company expedition date. | company_information. document_expedition_date |
400 | invalid_company_website | Website length must be less than 100 characters. | company_information. website |
400 | invalid_ubo_expedition_date | Invalid UBO expedition date. | ubos. document_expedition_date |
400 | invalid_legal_representative_ document_expedition_date | Invalid legal representative expedition date. | legal_representative. document_expedition_date |
400 | invalid_legal_address_city | Address city length must be less than 50 characters. | legal_address. city |
400 | invalid_legal_address_zip_code | Address ZIP code length must be less than 50 characters. | legal_address. zip_code |
400 | invalid_legal_address_state | Address state length must be less than 50 characters. | legal_address. state |
400 | invalid_legal_address_address | Address length must be less than 150 characters. | legal_address. address |
400 | invalid_settlement_period | Invalid settlement period. | settings. settlement_period |
400 | invalid_installments_responsible | Invalid installments responsible. | settings. installments_responsible |
400 | invalid_company_phone_number | Invalid company phone number. | company_information. business_phone_number |
Information and documentation update
HTTP Status | Code | Message | Field |
400 | file_format_not_supported | Unsupported file type. | file_name |
400 | file_too_large | Maximum file size 10 MB. | file |
400 | unsupported_mime_type | Unsupported mime type. | file |
400 | file_empty | File size must be greater than 0. | file |
Account information
HTTP Status | Code | Message | Field |
404 | account_not_found | The account was not found. | account_id |
Split payments
HTTP Status | Code | Message |
400 | 5023 | Operation unauthorized due to account being invalid or not approved. |
400 | 5024 | Operation unauthorized due to account blocked. |
400 | 5029 | Operation unauthorized due to account pending or creating. |
400 | 5030 | Operation unauthorized due to account cancelled. |
400 | 5031 | Operation unauthorized due to account blocked_by_fraud . |
400 | 5032 | Operation unauthorized due to account blocked_by_legal . |
400 | 5033 | Operation unauthorized due to account rejected by the industry. |
400 | 5034 | Operation unauthorized due to account rejected by legal. |
400 | 5035 | Operation unauthorized due to account rejected by high risk. |
400 | 5036 | Operation unauthorized due to no Splits object. |
400 | 5037 | Operation unauthorized due to account_id not belonging to the platform. |
400 | 5038 | Operation unauthorized due to not enough balance. |
400 | 5039 | Operation failed due to an internal error. |
400 | 5040 | Operation failed due to invalid parameter: beneficiary_account_id . |
Refunds for split
HTTP status | Code | Message |
400 | 5024 | Split refund node not valid. |
400 | 5025 | Invalid split: Operation unauthorized due invalid account. |
400 | 5026 | Invalid split: Operation unauthorized due account not approved. |
400 | 5027 | Invalid split: Operation unauthorized due to account invalid or not approved. |
400 | 5028 | Invalid split: Operation unauthorized due to account blocked. |
400 | 5029 | Invalid split: Operation unauthorized due to account pending or creating. |
400 | 5030 | Invalid split: Operation unauthorized due to account cancelled. |
400 | 5031 | Invalid split: Operation unauthorized due to account blocked by fraud. |
400 | 5032 | Invalid split: Operation unauthorized due to account blocked by legal. |
400 | 5033 | Invalid split: Operation unauthorized due to account rejected by industry. |
400 | 5034 | Invalid split: Operation unauthorized due to account rejected by legal. |
400 | 5035 | Invalid split: Operation unauthorized due to account rejected by high risk. |
400 | 5036 | Invalid split: Operation unauthorized due to no split object. |
400 | 5037 | Invalid split: Operation unauthorized due to account_id not belonging to platform. |
400 | 5038 | Invalid split: Operation unauthorized due to not enough balance. |
400 | 5040 | Invalid split: Rejected by platform validator. |
Bank account management
HTTP Status | Code | Message | Field |
400 | invalid_bank_code | Invalid bank code. | bank_code |
400 | invalid_bank_code_not_null | Bank code cannot be null or empty. | bank_code |
400 | invalid_bank_swift | Bank swift length must be less than 50 characters. | swift |
400 | invalid_bank_branch | Bank branch length must be less than 50 characters. | branch |
400 | invalid_bank_account_number | Bank account number length must be less than 150 characters. | account_number |
400 | invalid_beneficiary_name | Beneficiary name length must be less than 120 characters. | beneficiary_name |
400 | invalid_beneficiary_name_not_null | Beneficiary name cannot be null or empty. | beneficiary_name |
400 | invalid_beneficiary_address | Beneficiary address length must be less than 200 characters. | beneficiary_address |
400 | invalid_beneficiary_document_number | Invalid beneficiary document number. | beneficiary_document_id |
400 | invalid_beneficiary_document_type | Invalid beneficiary document type. | beneficiary_document_type |
400 | invalid_beneficiary_phone | Invalid beneficiary phone number. | beneficiary_phone |
Payouts for Platforms
HTTP Status | Code | Message | Field |
404 | account_id_invalid | The account status was not allowed or not found. | account_id |
404 | bank_account_invalid | The bank account is disabled. | bank_account_id |
404 | invalid_status | Cannot cancel payout due to invalid status. | status |