The Bank Transfer Object

bank_account_typeStringType of ticket, can be CHECKING or SAVING.
bank_nameStringName of the bank.
bank_codeStringCode of the bank.
beneficiary_nameStringName of the account holder.
bank_accountStringBank account number.
bank_account2StringSecondary bank account number.
bank_account_labelStringLabel to be displayed related to bank_account.
bank_account2_labelStringLabel to be displayed related to bank_account2.
beneficiary_document_typeStringType of document of the account holder.
benficiary_documentStringDocument number of the account holder.
referenceStringReference code for the payer to add on payment.
redirect_urlStringURL of the full version of the ticket. In case you want to redirect.
user_payment_amountNumberAmount the user needs to pay.
payment_instructionStringInstructions for making the payment.