Country Reference

Learn all about the countries currently covered by dLocal.

In the table below you can find the country code and currency of the countries currently covered by dLocal. You can also find the document used in each country which needs to be entered in the Payer Object.

"name" : "Thiago Alcántara",
"email" : "[email protected]",
"document" : "42243309114" //CPF

General information

Countrycountry codecurrency codeamount decimalsdocument namedocument formatdocument required by country?
ArgentinaARARS2DNI, CUIT, or CUILBetween 7 to 9 or 11 digitsYes
BangladeshBDBDT2NID Card or National Identity Card13 - 17 digitsYes
BoliviaBOBOB2CIBetween 5 to 20 digitsYes
BrazilBRBRL2CPF or CNPJBetween 11 to 14 digits
Full CPF validation
CameroonCMXAF2CNI or ID8 digitsYes
ChileCLCLP0CI or RUTBetween 8 to 9 charactersYes
(citizen ID number)
Between 18 digits or 17 digits + letter XYes
ColombiaCOCOP0CCBetween 6 to 11 digitsYes
Costa RicaCRCRC2CI9 digitsYes
Dominican RepublicDODOP2ID11 digitsNo
EcuadorECUSD2CIBetween 5 to 20 digitsYes
El SalvadorSVUSD2DUI9 digitsYes
EgyptEGEGP2ID14 digitsYes
GhanaGHGHS2Ghana Card13 digits (3 letters + 10 numbers)Yes
GuatemalaGTGTQ2CUI13 digitsYes
HondurasHNHNL2DNI13 digitsYes
IndiaININR2PAN10 characters (5 letters, 4 numbers, 1 letter)
Full PAN validation
IndonesiaIDIDR2NIK16 digitsYes
Ivory CoastCIXOF2National Identity card (Carte nationale d'identite, CNI)11 digits. It could be C + 10 numbers or CI + 9 numbers.Yes
JapanJPJPY2National identification number "My Number"12 digitsYes
JordanJOJOD2National ID Card10 digits. All numeric.Yes
KenyaKEKES0National ID Card8 digitsYes
MalaysiaMYMYR2NRIC12 digitsYes
MexicoMXMXN2CURPBetween 10 to 18 charactersYes
MoroccoMAMAD2CNIEBetween 5 to 20 charactersYes
NicaraguaNINIO2DNI14 digits (13 numbers, 1 letter)Yes
NigerNEXOF2CNI7 digits. All numeric.Yes
NigeriaNGNGN2NIN11 digitsYes
PakistanPKPKR2CNIC13 digitsYes
PanamaPAUSD2Cedula de Identidad8 digitsNo
ParaguayPYPYG2CIBetween 5 to 20 digitsYes
PeruPEPEN2DNIBetween 8 to 9 digitsYes
PhilippinesPHPHP2PSN12 digitsYes
RwandaRWRWF0National Identity Card16 digitsYes
Saudi ArabiaSASAR2National ID Card10 digits. All numeric.Yes
SenegalSNXOF2CNI or ECOWAS ID Card13 to 17 digitsYes
South AfricaZAZAR2South African Identity Card13 digits with full validationYes
TanzaniaTZTZS2National Identity CardUnique 20 digits national ID numberYes
ThailandTHTHB2Thai Identity Card13 digitsYes
TurkeyTRTRY2T.C. Kimlik No.Between 5 to 20 digitsYes
UgandaUGUGX2Ndaga Muntu- National ID number (NIC)Between 14 to 17 digitsYes
UruguayUYUYU2CI or RUTBetween 6 to 8 digits or 12 digitsYes
VietnamVNVND2VNIDBetween 9 or 13 digits ​Yes
ZambiaZMZMW2National Registration Card9 digits. All numeric.No

Phone format

CountryPhone country CodePhone length (excluding country code)
Argentina+54Landline: 6 to 8 digits
Mobile: 10 digits
Bangladesh+88010 or 11 digits
Bolivia+5918 digits
Brazil+55Landline: 10 digits
Mobile: 11 digits
Cameroon+2378 or 9 digits
Chile+569 digits
China+86Landline: 11 digits with area code, 7 or 8 digits without area code
Mobile: 11 digits
Colombia+5710 digits
Costa Rica+5068 digits
Dominican Republic+110 digits
Ecuador+59310 digits
El Salvador+5038 digits
Egypt+20Landline: 7 to 10 digits
Mobile: 10 or 11 digits
Ghana+2339 digits
Guatemala+5028 digits
Honduras+5048 digits
India+9110 digits
Indonesia+62Landline: 7 to 9 digits
Mobile: 10 or 13 digits
Ivory Coast+22510 digits
Japan+8110 or 11 digits
Jordan+962Landline: 8 digits (usually starts with '2', '3', '5', or '6')
Mobile: 9 digits (starts with '7')
Kenya+2549 digits
Malaysia+6010 or 11 digits
Mexico+5210 digits
Morocco+2129 digits
Nicaragua+5058 digits
Niger+2278 digits
Nigeria+234Landline: 9 digits
Mobile: 11 digits
Pakistan+92Landline: 11 digits
Mobile: 10 digits
Panama+5077 or 8 digits
Paraguay+595Landline: 8 or 9 digits
Mobile: 9 digits
Peru+51Landline: 6 or 7 digits
Mobile: 9 digits
Philippines+63Landline: 7 or 8 digits
Mobile: 10 digits
Qatar+9748 digits
Rwanda+2509 digits
Saudi Arabia+966Landline:10 digits
Mobile: 10 digits (must start with a zero)
Senegal+221Landline: 8 or 9 digits
Mobile: 9 digits
South Africa+279 digits
Tanzania+2559 digits
Thailand+668 or 9 digits
Turkey+9010 digits
Uganda+2569 digits
Uruguay+5988 digits
Vietnam+8410 digits
Zambia+2609 digits

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