Find all the detailed error descriptions for pending and rejected KYC.
Accounts errors detailed description
status, an object with possible errors is provided.
Pending status documentation
Error | Description | Actions |
document_not_readable | Uploaded document cannot be processed. | Resend document file, making sure it is clear. |
documents_cropped | Uploaded document sent is cropped. | Send a picture of a physical document without cutting edges. |
documents_duplicate_type | Uploaded document is duplicated. | Send a unique document. |
documents_same_image | Uploaded document has similar images. | Send the required image. |
documents_expired | The document could not be used for verification because it has expired | Send a document with a valid expiration date. |
documents_failed_other | The document could not be verified due to a general error. | Resend document file. |
documents_invalid | The document sent is not supported. | Send a valid document according to documentation. |
documents_photo_mismatch | The document photo does not match the selfie or proof of life sent. | Verify which information is correct and resend a matching pair consisting of a selfie or proof of life and a document. |
documents_too_large | Uploaded document has a size of over 10MB. | Resend document file, making sure its size is no more than 10MB. |
documents_type_not_supported | Document uploaded by the user is different than expected. | Send a valid document according to documentation. |
validation_missing_ubo | dLocal could not find given shareholder´s information. | Verify the tax ID informed is correct. |
validation_missing_director | dLocal could not find given director´s information. | Verify the tax ID informed is correct. |
legal_representative_not_found_in_company | The legal representative is not related to the company. | Please share a document that could prove the relationship of the legal representative with the company. |
documents_bad_text | The document has difficult to read information. | Resend document file making sure its content is legible. |
documents_blurry_text | The document image is blurry. | Resend document file making sure its content is legible. |
documents_small_image_size | The document resolution has to be 600x600 or higher. | Resend a valid file with a 600x600 resolution at least. |
documents_unexpected_data | The document has unexpected data. | Send a valid document according to documentation. |
documents_no_text | The document has no text. | Send a valid document according to documentation. |
documents_no_face | The document has no photo. | Send a picture of a full color physical document. |
documents_grayscale_image | Given document has to be a full color version. | Send a colored photo of the document. |
documents_screen_photo | Image sent is not a photo but a screenshot. | Send a picture of a full color physical document |
documents_missing_fields | The document has missing information. | Send a valid document according to documentation, the current one has fields missing. |
documents_wrong_format | The document format is not supported. | Send a valid document according to documentation. |
selfie_multiple_faces | Multiple faces found on the picture. | Send a new photo with the face of only one person. |
selfie_no_face | Face not found on the picture. | Send a new photo with the face of only one person. |
selfie_not_valid | The selfie sent is not valid. | Send a new photo, ensuring proper orientation and illumination. |
proof_of_life_not_valid | The proof of life sent is not valid. | Send a new validation, ensuring proper orientation and illumination. |
proof_of_life_no_face | Face not found in the proof of life. | Send a new photo with the face of only one person. |
proof_of_life_multiple_faces | Multiple faces found in the proof of life. | Send a new photo with the face of only one person. |
documents_missmatch | Document does not match with other parameters. | Send a new document matching the information sent. |
website_under_construction | Website informed is not ready yet. | Send a valid website. |
website_not_available | Website informed is unavailable. | Send a valid website. |
tax_id_inactive | Tax ID not active according to regulator. | Verify tax ID and resend information. |
tax_id_expired | Tax ID has expired. | Verify tax ID and send a non expired one. |
tax_id_invalid | Tax ID number invalid. | Verify tax ID and resend information. |
tax_id_other | Other issues related to tax ID. | Verify tax ID and resend information. |
underage | The document sent is from an underage person. | Send a valid document from a full legal age person. |
Rejected status
Error | Description |
validation_prohibited_industry | Account rejected due to prohibited industry. |
validation_restricted_industry | Account cannot be approved due to product or service being sold is not accepted by dLocal. |
validation_legal_issues | Account cannot be approved by dLocal due to other reasons. |
invalid_taxid | Account rejected due to invalid tax ID. |
high_risk | Account rejected due to high-risk. |
validation_other | Account cannot be approved by dLocal due to other reasons. |