The Company Object

tax_identifierStringCompany's identification number. Company national registration.


Length: 20.
legal_nameStringCompany legal name.

Length: 100.
aliasesStringOther Company Name / Aliases / Trading Name or other relevant company’s info.

Length: 100.
websiteStringCompany’s website.

Length: 100.
legal_natureStringCompany legal nature. Must be a valid legal nature code.

Length: 4.
date_establishmentStringCompany date of foundation. YYYY-MM-DD.

Length: 10.
emailStringCompany email address.

Length: 64.
revenueStringAnnual revenue.

Length: 20.
company_activityStringCompany main business. BR: Must be a valid CNAE.

Length: 10.
company_phone_numberStringCompany's phone number.

Area code + Phone number.

Length: 20.
countries_of_operationListList of the company’s countries of operation ISO codes. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2-code.
terms_and_conditions_acceptedBooleanAccount's terms and conditions.

Length: 5.
data_management_acceptedBooleanAccount's data management.

Length: 5.
company_addressAddress ObjectCompany's address.
partnersOwner ObjectPartners or legal representative’s details.
compliance_officerCompliance Officer ObjectCompliance Officer Information.