Get your API credentials

All dLocal API requests require API credentials to verify the call is being made through a valid dLocal account.

Types of credentials

There are two types of credentials that you can use:

  • Sandbox credentials. These credentials allow you to check your integration by sending payments to our Sandbox API. You will be able to view all the transactions through the Merchant Dashboard in Test mode. We recommend trying the Sandbox API before going live to ensure that your integration works properly.
  • Production credentials. These credentials allow you to start processing real payments.

API credentials detail

X-LoginStringAPI key necessary to authenticate your request.
X-Trans-KeyStringAPI key necessary to authenticate your request.
Secret keyStringUse for the creation of the Authorization.
Smartfields API keyStringOnly for Smart Fields integration.

Obtain your credentials

You can get the Sandbox and the Production credentials from your same account in the Merchant Dashboard.

You just have to change between the Test and the Live modes by pressing the toggle at the top bar and then find the corresponding credentials in Settings > Integration.


Integration section in the Merchant Dashboard.

The account creation allows you to test payments but does not guarantee that you will be able to process live payments until the account is activated.