
See all the information for the creation of an account for Panama.


Flow for creation of Panamanian accounts.

Flow for creation of Panamanian accounts.


To create a card, the account could be in PENDING status and it will activate when the card creation process is completed.

Mandatory parameters

Owner object

first_nameStringOwner's first name.

Length: 32 chr.
second_nameStringOwner's second name.

Length: 32 chr.
last_namesStringOwner's first last names.

Length: 32 chr.
second_last_nameStringOwner's second last name.

Length: 32 chr.
birth_dateStringOwner's birth date. YYYY-MM-DD. Users must be over 18 years old.

Length: 10 chr.
birth_placeStringOwner's birth place.

Length: 100 chr.
emailStringOwner's email.

Length: 64 chr.
phone_numberStringOwner's cellphone number. Include DDD. Eg:

Length: 7 chr.
documentStringOwner’s personal identification number. Eg. (XX@@-XXXX-XXXXXX)

Length: 16 chr.
document_typeStringOwner's personal identification type.

Length: 3 chr.
nationalityStringOwner's nationality. Owner's country code. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2-code.

Length: 2 chr.
genderCharM or F.

Length: 1 chr.
marital_statusCharCheck the marital status table below for more details.

Length: 1 chr.
occupationStringAccount owner's employment or work activity. Check the occupation table below for more details.

Length: 4 chr.
pepBooleanPolitically exposed person.

Length: 5 chr.
pep_descriptionStringDescription of politically exposed person. Current position; start date (YYYY-MM-DD).

Length: 100 chr.
terms_and_conditions_acceptedBooleanAccount's terms and conditions.

Length: 5 chr.
addressAddress ObjectOwner's address.
employmentEmployment ObjectOwner's employment information.

Address object

Find more details of the state and city fields on Address Information.

countryStringOwner's country code. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2-code. (PA).

Length: 2.
stateStringOwner's address state code.

Length: 3 chars.
cityStringOwner's address city code.

Length: 3 chars.
neighborhoodStringOwner's address neighborhood.

Length: 3 chars.
streetStringOwner's address street.

Length: 32.
street2StringAdditional information on street.

Length: 225.
house_numberStringOwner's house number (floor, apartment).

Length: 32.
zip_codeStringOwner's address ZIP code.

Length: 20.
street_referencesStringAdditional address description/information.

Length: 255.

Employment object

companyStringEmployment's name.
start_dateStringDate at witch the owner started to work "YYYY-MM-DD"
occupationStringOwner's occupation code.

Length: 3 chars.
occupation_typeStringAccount owner's employment or work activity type. Check occupation type table below.

Length: 2 chr.
phone_numberStringEmployment's cellphone number. Include DDD.

Length: 20 chars.
salarySalary's object
amountNumberSalary's monthly amount.

Max. 2 decimal number.
currencyStringSalary's currency. ISO 4217.

Length: 3 chars.
addressAddress's object
countryStringEmployment's country code. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2-code. (PA).

Length: 2.
stateStringEmployment's address state code.

Length: 3 chars.
cityStringEmployment's address city code.

Length: 3 chars.
neighborhoodStringEmployment's address neighborhood code.

Length: 3 chars.
streetStringEmployment's address street.

Length: 32 chars.
street2StringEmployment's address description/information.

Length: 255 chars.
numberStringEmployment's address number (floor, apartment).

Length: 32 chars.

Configuration object

credit_limitNumberCredit monthly amount.

Max. 2 decimal numbers.

Example request

    "account_reference": "zKgXOYnEXI",
        "first_name": "Juan",
        "last_names": "Perez",
        "second_name": "Optional",
        "second_last_name": "Optional",
        "birth_date": "1981-04-28",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone_number": "1131223392",
        "document_type": "CI",
        "document": "30994029",
        "marital_status": "S",
        "gender": "M",
        "birth_place": "PA",
        "nationality": "PA",
        "terms_and_conditions_accepted": true,
        "pep": false,
        "pep_description": "description",
        "occupation": "146",
            "country": "PA",
            "state": "{{State ID}}",
            "city": "{{City ID}}",
            "neighborhood": "{{Neighborhood ID}}",
            "street": "Ciudad del Cabo rGtUbY",
            "street2": "Street FVGHiI",
            "house_number": "278",
            "zip_code": "01010",
            "street_references": "String"
            "company": "String",
            "start_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            "occupation_type": "2",
            "occupation": "146",
            "phone_number": "Optional",
                "amount": 0,
                "currency": "USD"
                "country": "PA",
                "state": "{{State ID}}",
                "city": "{{City ID}}",
                "neighborhood": "{{Neighborhood ID}}",
                "street": "",
                "street2": "",
                "number": ""
        "credit_limit": 0
    "description": "description",
    "account_reference": "zKgXOYnEXI",
    "description": "dLocal Wallet for LDbCpdFr xzVJMKlu",
        "first_name": "Juan",
        "last_names": "Perez",
        "second_name": "Optional",
        "second_last_name": "Optional",
        "birth_date": "1981-04-28",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone_number": "1131223392",
        "document_type": "CI",
        "document": "30994029",
        "marital_status": "S",
        "gender": "M",
        "birth_place": "PA",
        "nationality": "PA",
        "terms_and_conditions_accepted": true,
        "pep": false,
        "pep_description": "description",
        "occupation": "146",
            "country": "PA",
            "state": "{{State ID}}",
            "city": "{{City ID}}",
            "neighborhood": "{{Neighborhood ID}}",
            "street": "Ciudad del Cabo rGtUbY",
            "street2": "Street FVGHiI",
            "house_number": "278",
            "zip_code": "01010",
            "street_references": "String"
            "company": "String",
            "start_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            "occupation_type": "2",
            "occupation": "146",
            "phone_number": "Optional",
                "amount": 0,
                "currency": "USD"
                "country": "PA",
                "state": "{{State ID}}",
                "city": "{{City ID}}",
                "neighborhood": "{{Neighborhood ID}}",
                "street": "",
                "street2": "",
                "number": ""
        "credit_limit": 0
    "account_id": "ISGA-4-6e74c2ad431d4aa6a1be66bbeb55989f",
    "currency": "USD",
    "status": "WAITING_FOR_IMAGES",
    "status_code": "200",
    "status_detail": "Images are required.",
    "creation_date": "2022-05-24T15:03:09.518Z",
    "cards": []

Document type


Marital status



To find the occupations ID, download the table on .csv version.

Occupation types

Find the occupation types here:


Address information

Download the table in xlsx version.

States, Cities & Neighborhoods

To find the City's ID, download the table on .csv version.