Dynamic Virtual Accounts
Dynamic Virtual Accounts (DVA) are account numbers that are issued dynamically per transaction so merchants can accept payments from their retail customers.
They typically have an expiry period depending on what is supported by the bank in the market.
Types of Dynamic Virtual Accounts
In this case we only have the following option:
- Merchant Initiated Payments (MIP) using Bank Dynamic Virtual Accounts
- MIP: These are scenarios where the merchant must always send a request to dLocal to process a payment. The payment can only be completed for the amount specified in the merchant's request to dLocal.
- Bank Dynamic Virtual Accounts: Bank account numbers issued dynamically per transaction requested by the merchant. Each payment will be related to a different bank account.
Minimum Amount: 1 MXN
Notification delay: Immediate
MIP: Available
"payment_method_id" = "SE"
"payment_method_id" = "IO"
Bank Static Virtual Accounts:Available
"payment_method_id" = "SE"
"payment_method_id" = "IO"
Minimum Amount: 1 IDR
Notification delay: Immediate
MIP: Available
"payment_method_id" = "IO"
Bank Static Virtual Accounts:Available
"payment_method_id" = "IO"
Minimum Amount: 1 NGN
Notification delay: Immediate
MIP: Available
"payment_method_id" = "IO"
Bank Static Virtual Accounts:Available
"payment_method_id" = "IO"
Minimum Amount: 1 JPY
Notification delay: Immediate
MIP: Available
"payment_method_id" = "IO"
Bank Static Virtual Accounts:Available
"payment_method_id" = "IO"
Overall flow
1. Merchant Initiated Payments using Bank Dynamic Virtual Accounts
This should be repeated for every transaction and the bank account will change each time.
Bank Dynamic Account creation with payment associated
Example request
To create a Bank Dynamic Account with payment associated, use the following API endpoint: https://api.dlocal.com/virtual_accounts
Refer to the API reference section for more information on unique reference creation and assignment.
"amount": 100,
"currency": "MXN",
"country": "MX",
"payment_method_id": "SE",
"payment_method_flow": "DIRECT",
"payer": {
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"document": "1234567890",
"phone": "+529848774040",
"document": "99999999",
"ip": "",
"address": {
"country": "MX",
"state": "Mexico DF",
"city": "Mexico DF",
"zip_code": "8858",
"street": "Av. Principal",
"number": "5940"
"order_id": "34545sk3483kqw0",
"description": "Tshirt",
"notification_url": "http://merchantsite.com/notification/new",
"callback_url": "http://merchantsite.com/success_page"
Request params
Field | Required | Description |
amount | Yes | Payment amount. |
currency | Yes | Payment currency. |
country | Yes | Payment processing country code. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code. |
payment_method_id | Yes | Payment method code chosen to create the virtual account. |
Payer Object | Yes | |
payer.name | Yes | Payer's full name. |
payer.email | Yes | Payer's email. |
payer.phone | No | Payer's mobile phone number. |
payer.document | Yes | Payer's document. |
payer.ip | No | Payer's IP. |
payer.user_reference | Yes | Unique user ID at the merchant side. |
Address Object | No | |
payer.address.country | No | Payer's address country. |
payer.address.state | No | Payer's address state. |
payer.address.city | No | Payer's address city. |
payer.address.zip_code | No | Payer's address ZIP Code. |
payer.address.street | No | Payer's address street. |
payer.address.number | No | Payer's address number. |
order_id | Yes | ID of the payment given by the merchant in their system. Can retrieve payments based on this ID. (is not mandatory). |
notification_url | No | URL where dLocal will send notifications associated to changes to this payment. |
callback_url | No | URL where dLocal does the final redirect. Required only for REDIRECT payment flow. |
Synchronous response
"id": "D-4-3e6e6631-2ed6-4444-65tr-b109af0f5a1d",
"amount": 100,
"currency": "MXN",
"payment_method_id": "IO",
"payment_method_type": "BANK_TRANSFER",
"payment_method_flow": "DIRECT",
"country": "MX",
"bank_transfer": {
"bank_account_type": "CHECKING",
"bank_name": "STP",
"bank_code": "STP",
"beneficiary_name": "DEMERGE MEXICO SA DE CV",
"bank_account": "646180205700879296",
"bank_account_label": "CLABE",
"reference": "64618020",
"redirect_url": "https://pay.dlocal.com/gmf-apm/payments/M-450359a6-b3a6-4415-82a4-7965tr370370",
"user_payment_amount": 100,
"payment_instruction": "Ingresa a tu banca en línea y realiza la transferencia a la siguiente cuenta. Recuerda que no se pueden hacer pagos en ventanilla.",
"expiration_date": "2023-07-06T00:16:02.500+0000"
"ticket": {},
"created_date": "2023-07-05T22:16:02.000+0000",
"status": "PENDING",
"status_detail": "The payment is pending.",
"status_code": "100",
"order_id": "34545sk3483kqw0",
"notification_url": "http://merchantsite.com/notification/new"
"status": "REJECTED",
"status_detail": "The payment was rejected",
"status_code": "300",
Response params
Field | Description |
id | Payment ID. |
amount | Payment amount. |
currency | Payment currency. |
created_date | Payment's creation date. |
status | Payment status. |
status_detail | Description of the status of the payment. |
status_code | Payment status code. |
payment_method_id | ID of the selected payment method by the user. |
payment_method_type | Type can be BANK_TRANSFER . |
payment_method_flow | Payment method flow, can DIRECT or REDIRECT . |
Bank Transfer Object | |
bank_transfer.bank_account_type | The type of ticket can be CHECKING or SAVING . |
bank_transfer.bank_name | Name of the bank. |
bank_transfer.bank_code | Code of the bank. |
bank_transfer.beneficiary_name | Name of the account holder. |
bank_transfer.bank_account | Bank account number. |
bank_transfer.bank_account_label | Label to be displayed related to bank_account. |
bank_transfer.beneficiary_document_type | Type of document of the account holder. |
bank_transfer.beneficiary_document | Document number of the account holder. |
bank_transfer.reference | Reference code for the payer to add on payment. |
bank_transfer.redirect_url | URL of the full version of the ticket. In case you want to redirect. |
bank_transfer.user_payment_amount | Amount the user needs to pay. |
bank_transfer.payment_instruction | Instructions for making the payment. |
order_id | ID of the payment given by the merchant in their system. Can retrieve payments based on this ID. (is not mandatory) |
notification_url | URL where dLocal will send notifications associated to changes to this payment. |
Updated 3 months ago