Mandatory parameters

Mandatory parameterDescriptionFlow type
login32 charsALL
pass32 charsALL
external_idMax. 100 charsALL
document_idSee document validations below.ALL
CE - Carnet Extranjeria
PASS - Passport
See document validations.
beneficiary_nameMax. 50 charsALL
beneficiary_lastnameMax. 50 charsALL
bank_accountSee bank account validations below.ALL
account_typeC: for Checking accounts
S: for Savings accounts
M: for Maestra accounts
currencyPEN or USD
amountMax. 2 decimal numbersALL
Mandatory only if the payout needs to be paid in USD.

In case this parameter is missing, the payout will be paid in local currency.
Only for USD accounts
purposeEPREMT - Remittance (P2P)
Mandatory only for remittance (P2P)
remitter_full_nameMax. 200 chars
Mandatory only for remittance (P2P)
remitter_countryISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
Mandatory only for remittance (P2P)
remitter_document_type'ID' for national identification number
'PASS' for passport
Mandatory only for remittance (P2P)
remitter_documentMax. 45 chars
Mandatory only for remittance (P2P)

Example request


Document validations

ValidationNameLengthVerification digit
DocumentDNI8 numeric characters or 9 alphanumeric characters.Last digit
DocumentRUC11 numericLast digit
DocumentCEBetween 4 and 12 alphanumeric characters.-
DocumentPASSBetween 4 and 12 alphanumeric characters.-

Bank account validations

ValidationNameLengthTypeVerification digit
Bank accountCCI20NumericFirst 3 digits will be the bank code and the last 2 apply verification algorithm

Bank codes

Check below the different values that bank_code parameter can take in Peru.

Bank CodeBank NameSupport PEN currencySupport USD currency
001Banco Central de Reserva
002Banco de Crédito del Perú
010Banco del Pichincha
011BBVA Continental
018Banco de la Nación
023Banco de Comercio
035Banco Financiero
038Banco Interamericano de Finanzas (BIF)
043Crediscotia Financiera
049Mi Banco
053Banco GNB Perú S.A.
054Banco Falabella
055Banco Ripley
800Caja Metropolitana de Lima
801Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito Piura SAC
802Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito Trujillo
803Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito Arequipa
805Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito Sullana
806Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito Cuzco
808Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito Huancayo
813Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito Tacna