United Arab Emirates
Learn everything you need to know to make payouts in United Arab Emirates with dLocal.
Mandatory parameters - Bank transfer
Mandatory parameter | Description | Flow type |
login | 32 chars | B2C, B2B |
pass | 32 chars | B2C, B2B |
external_id | Max. 100 chars | B2C, B2B |
country | AE | B2C, B2B |
beneficiary_name | Max. 50 chars | B2C, B2B |
beneficiary_lastname | Max. 50 chars | B2C, B2B |
bank_branch | SWIFT code (we accept 8 or 11 alphanumeric characters in upper case) | B2C, B2B |
address | Address of the beneficiary Max. 35 chars | B2C, B2B |
city | City of the beneficiary Max. 35 chars | B2C, B2B |
bank_account | IBAN Format. All United Arab Emirates IBANs begin with 'AE' and are exactly 23 characters long. Ex: AE070331234567890123456 | B2C, B2B |
amount | Max. 2 decimal numbers | B2C, B2B |
currency | AED or USD | B2C, B2B |
bdate | Birth date of the beneficiary Format 'YYYYMMDD' Mandatory only for B2C | B2C |
nationality | Nationality of the beneficiary ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code Mandatory only for for B2C | B2C |
document_type | Document type of the beneficiary "ID" - for UAE national id "PASS" - for Passport Mandatory only for for B2C | B2C |
document_id | Document of the beneficiary See document validations below. | B2C |
purpose | EPBTOB - Business to Business (B2B) | B2B |
Document validations
Validation | Name | Length | Type | Example |
Document | ID | 18 | characters | NNN-NNNN-NNNNNNN-N |
Document | PASS | up to 12 | characters | ABCD1234 |
Example request
"address":"4 Sheikh Zayed Road",
Updated 5 months ago