Learn everything you need to know to make payouts in Uruguay with dLocal.
Mandatory parameters
Mandatory parameter | Description | Flow |
login | 32 chars | ALL |
pass | 32 chars | ALL |
external_id | Max. 100 chars | ALL |
document_id | See document validations below. | ALL |
document_type | Only mandatory when document type is RUT, DE (Documento Extranjero) or PASS (Passport) | ALL |
beneficiary_name | Max. 50 chars | ALL |
beneficiary_lastname | Max. 50 chars | ALL |
country | UY | ALL |
bank_code | See bank codes below. | ALL |
bank_branch | Mandatory only If the bank is Santander. | ALL |
bank_account | See bank account validations below. | ALL |
account_type | Only mandatory if bank_code is BROU C: for Checking accounts S: for Savings accounts | ALL |
amount | Max. 2 decimal numbers | ALL |
purpose | EPREMT - remittance Mandatory only for remittance (P2P) | P2P |
currency_to_pay | USD Mandatory only if the payout needs to be paid in USD. In case this parameter is missing, the payout will be paid in local currency. | Only for USD accounts |
remitter_document_type | RUT, CI, PASS Mandatory only for remittance (P2P) | P2P |
remitter_document | Validations based on the document type. Mandatory only for remittance (P2P) | P2P |
remitter_full_name | Max. 200 chars. Mandatory only for remittance (P2P) | P2P |
remitter_country | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code Mandatory only for remittance (P2P) | P2P |
Example request
"external_id": "1234567812345678c",
"document_id": "87417771",
"beneficiary_name": "HOY",
"beneficiary_lastname": "SA",
"country": "UY",
"bank_code": "113",
"bank_branch": "11",
"bank_account": "1234567",
"amount": "114.39"
"external_id": "1234567812345678c",
"document_id": "87417771",
"beneficiary_name": "HOY",
"beneficiary_lastname": "SA",
"country": "UY",
"bank_code": "113",
"bank_branch": "11",
"bank_account": "1234567",
"amount": "114.39",
"purpose": "EPREMT",
"remitter_document_type": "CI",
"remitter_document": "87417771",
"remitter_full_name": "Juan Perez",
Document validations
Validation | Name | Length | Type | Verification digit | Example |
Document | CI | 8 | Numeric | Last digit | 8.741.777-1 87417771 |
Document | RUT | 12 | Numeric | Last digit | 21-100342-001-7 211003420017 |
Document | DE | - | Numeric | - | 33475876 |
Document | PASS | - | Alphanumeric | - | NNFE4379 |
Bank account validations
Name | Account format | Length | Details | Example |
BROU | YYYYYYYYYWWWWW | 14 | Y-> account num. W->sub account | 00099299700002 |
BHU | XXXYYZZZZZZV | 10 | X-> Bank branch, starts with 0 Y-> Product num. Z-> Account num. filling with 0 on the left V-> Verif. Digit | 012345678901 |
Citibank | XXXXXXXXXX | 10 | Filling with 0 on the left Account num. start with 0, 1 or 5 | 0061436006 |
Itau | XXXXXXX | 7 | Filling with 0 on the left | 3190373 |
Scotiabank | CCCCCCCCII | 10 | C-> Client num. filling with 0 on the left I-> Account id | 1274204300 |
Scotiabank | XXXXXXX | 7 | Account num filling with 0 on the left | 0123456 |
Santander | XXXXXXXXXXXX | 12 | Account num filling with 0 on the left | 012345678901 |
Nacion | XXXXXXXXXXXX | 12 | Account num. filling with 0 on the left | 001234568901 |
BBVA | XXXXXXXXX | max 9 | Account num. without filling with 0 on the left Only numeric digits | 20237345 674501433 |
HSBC | XXXXXXXXXX | 10 | Filling with 0 to the left | 0003237999 |
Heritage | XXXXXXXYY | 9 | X-> Account num. filling with 0 on the left Y-> Sub Account num. | 0003237999 |
Prex | XXXXXXXX | 8 | Filling with 0 on the left | 01013892 |
Mi Dinero | XXXXXXX | 7 | XXXXXXX - Account Number | 3259658 |
OCA Blue | XXXXXXX | 7 | Filling with 0 on the left | 7328013 |
Banco Provincia de Buenos Aires | XXXXXXX | 7 | XXXXXXX - Account Number | 5674536 |
Bank codes
Check below the different values that bank_code
parameter can take depending on each country's bank requirements.
Bank Code | Bank Name | Support UYU currency | Support USD currency |
153 | Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria | ✅ | ✅ |
246 | Banco de la Nación Argentina | ✅ | ❌ |
091 | Banco Hipotecario del Uruguay | ✅ | ❌ |
113 | Banco ITAU | ✅ | ✅ |
137 | Banco Santander | ✅ | ✅ |
162 | Banque Heritage | ✅ | ❌ |
61 | BAPRO | ✅ | ❌ |
001 | BROU - Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay | ✅ | ✅ |
205 | Citibank N.A. Sucursal | ✅ | ✅ |
157 | HSBC Bank | ✅ | ✅ |
999 | Oca Blue | ✅ | ✅ |
603 | Prex | ✅ | ✅ |
624 | Redpagos | ✅ | ❌ |
917 | Midinero | ✅ | ❌ |
128 | Scotiabank | ✅ | ✅ |
Updated about 16 hours ago