Risk data documentation

Find all the specification for fraud-related fields.

Additional Risk Data Information

For a more in-depth analysis of transactions for fraud patterns, we strongly recommend that our merchants use the additional_risk_data object in their Payment API calls, which can be used to better identify fraudulent transactions.

Merchants may provide the information that applies for their particular case.

submerchantSubmerchant objectInformation on the submerchant account.
Required for PSPs / Marketplaces.
shippingShipping object​Information on the shipping/alternative address.
Required for Retail.
beneficiaryBeneficiary object​ Information on the beneficiary, if different from the payer.
basketList of Item objectsInformation on the items purchased.
payerPayer objectAdditional information on the payer's user account.
purchasePurchase object​The purchase object is used to provide additional general information about the purchase.
discount_codesDiscount CodesThe discount codes object is used to provide additional information about discount codes.
deviceDevice object​Additional information on the device used for purchase.
travelTravel object​The travel object is used to provide additional information details about the travel operations.
ridesharingRidesharing objectThe ridesharing object is used to provide additional information details about the ridesharing operations.

Example Payment with Additional Risk Data object

  "amount": 399.80,
  "currency": "USD",
  "country": "BR",
  "payment_method_id": "CARD",
  "payment_method_flow": "DIRECT",
      "name": "Thiago Gabriel",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "document": "53033315550",
      "user_reference": "12345",
      "address": {
          "state": "Rio de Janeiro",
          "city": "Volta Redonda",
          "zip_code": "27275-595",
          "street": "Servidao B-1",
          "number": "1106"
      "holder_name": "Thiago Gabriel",
      "number": "4111111111111111",
      "cvv": "123",
      "expiration_month": 10,
      "expiration_year": 2040
  "order_id": "657434343",
  "notification_url": "http://merchant.com/notifications",
  "additional_risk_data": {
      "submerchant": {
          "merchant_reference": "12534",
          "name": "Submerchant name",
          "website": "https://www.submerchant.com",
          "industry": 17,
          "mcc": "1742",
          "document": "15236713521",
          "tax_id": "12412412511234",
          "nationality": "BR",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "username": "submerchant_username",
          "phone": "123456712345",
          "created_date": "20210311",
          "total_order_count": 35,
          "total_order_amount": 45020,
          "last_updated_date": "20210312",
          "onboarding_ip_address": "",
          "onboarding_email": "[email protected]",
          "reputation": 4,
          "address": {
              "city": "Sao Paulo",
              "zip_code": "27275595",
              "street": "Submerchant Street",
              "number": "1106",
              "locality": "Pinheiros",
              "country": "BR",
              "region_code": "SP"
          "ship_from_address": {
              "state": "Montevideo",
              "city": "Montevideo",
              "zip_code": "11300",
              "street": "Avda. Brasil",
              "number": "1234 Ap. 401"
          "fraud_review_description":"Passed to fraud review because of blacklist NEW_ACCOUNT_MULTIPLE_ACCOUNTS",
          "submerchant_description":"Business description",
          "bank_account": {
                "beneficiary_name": "Account's onwer's name",
                "beneficiary_document": "15236713521",
                "account": "487445839",
                "branch": "name/number",
                "beneficiary_email": "[email protected]",
                "beneficiary_phone": "5512345678901"
      "shipping": {
          "address": {
              "state": "Montevideo",
              "city": "Montevideo",
              "zip_code": "11300",
              "street": "Avda. Brasil",
              "number": "1234 Ap. 501"
          "is_physical": true,
          "cost": 12.34,
          "delivery_company": "FadEx",
          "method": "FREE",
          "delivery_date": "20211020",
          "is_forwarding_address": false,
          "geolocation": "-34.8798853,-56.1867859"
      "beneficiary": {
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "name": "John Doe",
          "phone": "09671268364",
          "document": "513672561"
      "basket": [
              "unit_price": 199.90,
              "brand": "Smoogle",
              "category": "Smartphone",
              "item_reference": "SP-562138",
              "upc": "1758929364928",
              "manufacturer": "Smoogle",
              "product_name": "Pexel 25",
              "quantity": 2,
              "size": "regular",
              "subcategory": "Droid smartphones",
              "url": "https://www.merchant.com/products/SP-562138",
              "published_date": "20201113",
              "rating": 4.5,
              "count_reviews": 13,
              "image": "https://www.merchant.com/products/SP-562138/photos/1.jpg",
              "stock": 32,
              "weight": 0.34,
              "subscription": {
                  "id": "A15-D267125367",
                  "period": "P1M",
                  "current_period": 3,
                  "end_date": "20220101" 
      "payer" : {
          "email_is_valid": true,
          "phone_is_valid": false,
          "account_creation_date": "20201110",
          "first_purchase_date": "20201110",
          "is_positive": false,
          "last_order_id": "1525634152634",
          "total_order_count": 12,
          "total_order_amount": 152.03,
          "last_updated_date": "20201020",
          "wish_list": [
                  "item_reference": "125312435",
                  "unit_price": 1300,
                  "product_name": "Pexel 25 for dummies"
          "reputation": 5
      "discount_codes": [
              "amount": 10,
              "percentage": 20,
              "code": "PROMO20OFF",
              "valid_until": "20211130",
              "description": "20% off Smoogle products"
      "device": {
          "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36",
          "geolocation" : "-34.8798853,-56.1867859",
          "locale": "en-US",
          "advertising_id": "EA7583CD-A667-48BC-B806-42ECB2B48606",
          "vendor_id": "uapff_93e9a58cc03a0e7f45c2cf50ca567a99",
          "android_id": "cdda802e-fb9c-47ad-9866-0794d394c913",
          "media_drm_id": "0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10",
          "event_uuid": "ab825a72-62c3-4df5-9886-25c75856fac7"

      "purchase": {
          "is_retry": false,
          "channel": "WEB",
          "time_in_session": 55,
          "search_history": [
                  "item_reference": "125312435",
                  "unit_price": 1300,
                  "product_name": "Pexel 25 for dummies"

      "travel": {
          "car_rental": [
                  "insurance_charges": 160.00,
                  "pickup_city": "Montevideo",
                  "pickup_country": "UY",
                  "pickup_date": "2021032",
                  "rental_charges": 15.03,
                  "return_city": "Buenos Aires",
                  "return_country": "AR",
                  "return_date": "20210320"
          "flight": {
              "itinerary": {
                  "flight_code": "AR138",
                  "reservation_code": "6AL3J2",
                  "legs": [
                          "amount": 800.00,
                          "arrival": "MVD",
                          "arrival_time": "2021-04-29 07:16:24",
                          "carrier_code": "AR",
                          "class_of_travel": "F",
                          "departure": "EZE",
                          "departure_time": "2021-04-29 04:30:15",
                          "destination": "Montevideo"
              "passengers": [
                      "date_of_birth": "19890703",
                      "ffp_ID": "ABC3454",
                      "first_name": "John",
                      "last_name": "Doe",
                      "nationality": "BR"
          "lodging": [
                  "amount": 123,
                  "check_in_date": "20210314",
                  "check_out_date": "20210318",
                  "city": "Montevideo",
                  "country": "UY",
                  "guests": 2,
                  "prepaid_expenses": 0,
                  "rooms": 1

   "driver" : {
            "account_creation_date": "20201110",
            "reputation": 5,
            "name":"John doe",
            "phone": "123456712345",
            "document": "53033315551",
    "trip" : {
                "state": "Montevideo",
                "city": "Montevideo",
                "zip_code": "11300",
                "street": "Avda. Brasil",
                "number": "1234 Ap. 501"
            "pick_up_geo_loc": "-34.8798853,-56.1867859",
                "state": "Montevideo",
                "city": "Montevideo",
                "zip_code": "11300",
                "street": "Avda. Brasil",
                "number": "1234 Ap. 501"
            "drop_off_geo_loc": "-34.8798853,-56.1867859",
  	"rider" : {
						"reputation": 5  

Detail Information


For PSPs/merchants with submerchant accounts, the submerchant object may be used to provide more information on the specific submerchant for which the payment was issued.

merchant_referenceStringThe ID/reference of the submerchant account.
nameStringSubmerchant name.
Required for PSPs/marketplaces.
websiteStringSubmerchant website.
industryNumberSubmerchant industry, see industry codes list.
Length: 4.
Submerchant's merchant category code.
documentStringSubmerchant's document.
Length: 14.
Submerchant's tax ID.
nationalityStringSubmerchant's nationality (ISO 3166 country code).
emailStringSubmerchant's email address.
usernameStringThe unique username associated with the seller's online account.
phoneStringSubmerchant’s phone number.

For Brazilian numbers, for example, use the format: +55AA9XXXX XXXX (+55: country code, AA: area code, 9: if mobile, XXXX XXXX: subscriber number).

Consult the Country reference page for phone number formats for all countries.
created_dateStringDate of account creation in YYYYMMDD format.
total_order_countNumberThe total count of orders sold by this seller.
total_order_amountNumberThe total amount sold by this seller (in USD).
last_updated_dateStringThe last time a change was made to this submerchant (e.g. changed address).
YYYYMMDD format.
onboarding_ip_addressStringThe IP address of the device used when this seller account was created.
onboarding_emailStringThe email used when this seller account was created.
reputationNumberThe reputation of the submerchant, from 0 (negative) to 5 (positive).
addressObjectFull details of the submerchant's address.
Length: 90.
Submerchant's city.
Length: 8.
Submerchant's ZIP code.
Length: 100.
Submerchant's address street.
Length: 20.
Submerchant's address number.
Length: 60.
Submerchant's neighborhood.
Length: 2.
Submerchant's country code. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.
Length: 2.
Submerchant's region code. ISO 3166-2:BR alpha 2 code.
ship_from_addressObjectThe address from where the submerchant ships the orders.
ship_from_address.numberStringStreet number.
ship_from_address.zip_codeStringZIP Code.
last_loginYYYYMMDDThe last time this submerchant logged in.
device_idStringSubmerchant's unique device identifier (onboarding).
kyc_reviewBooleanInforms if KYC was reviewed.
fraud_reviewBooleanInforms if there was a fraud review.
fraud_review_typeListIf there was a fraud review, what type was it?
fraud_review_descriptionStringDescription of the fraud review performed.
submerchant_descriptionStringInformation and description about the business provided by the merchant.
checkout_typeStringType of integration the merchant is using for the checkout.
checkout_subtypeStringAdditional information regarding the integration subtype.
industry_nameStringMerchant Industry.
registered_companyBooleanIf the merchant is an individual or a company.
bank_accountObjectBank account information.
bank_account.beneficiary_nameStringBank account's owner's full name.
bank_account.beneficiary_documentStringBank account's owner's document ID.
bank_account.accountNumberBank account's number.
bank_account.branchStringWhere was the bank account opened?
bank_account.beneficiary_emailStringBank account's owner's email address.
bank_account.beneficiary_phoneNumberBank account's owner's phone number.

Example Submerchant object

"submerchant": {
            "merchant_reference": "12534",
            "name": "Submerchant name",
            "website": "https://www.submerchant.com",
            "industry": 17,
            "mcc": "1742",
            "document": "15236713521",
            "tax_id": "12412412511234",
            "nationality": "BR",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "username": "submerchant_username",
            "phone": "123456712345",
            "created_date": "20210311",
            "total_order_count": 35,
            "total_order_amount": 45020,
            "last_updated_date": "20210312",
            "onboarding_ip_address": "",
            "onboarding_email": "[email protected]",
            "reputation": 4,
            "address": {
            	  "city": "Sao Paulo",
            	  "zip_code": "27275595",
            	  "street": "Submerchant Street",
            	  "number": "1106",
            	  "locality": "Pinheiros",
            	  "country": "BR",
                "region_code": "SP"
            "ship_from_address": {
                "state": "Montevideo",
                "city": "Montevideo",
                "zip_code": "11300",
                "street": "Avda. Brasil",
                "number": "1234 Ap. 401"
            "fraud_review_description":"Passed to fraud review because of blacklist NEW_ACCOUNT_MULTIPLE_ACCOUNTS",
            "submerchant_description":"Business description",
            "bank_account": {
                "beneficiary_name": "Account's onwer's name",
                "beneficiary_document": "15236713521",
                "account": "487445839",
                "branch": "name/number",
                "beneficiary_email": "[email protected]",
                "beneficiary_phone": "5512345678901"


For merchants who handle separate Payment/Shipping addresses, the Shipping object may be used to specify the shipping address, and also to indicate whether the purchase has a physical delivery or not (i.e. retail vs digital goods).

addressAddress objectRepresents the address, documented in this table.
address.zip_codeStringZIP Code.
address.numberStringStreet number.
is_physicalBooleanTrue if a physical delivery to this address is involved (i.e. for retail goods).
costNumberCost of the delivery (in USD).
delivery_companyStringName of the delivery company.
methodStringThe type of shipment selected during checkout. See the list.
delivery_dateStringShipping delivery date. in YYYYMMDD format.
is_fowarding_addressBooleanIf the shipping address is a forwarding address.
geolocationStringShipping geolocation.

Example Shipping object

"shipping": {
            "address": {
                "state": "Montevideo",
                "city": "Montevideo",
                "zip_code": "11300",
                "street": "Avda. Brasil",
                "number": "1234 Ap. 501"
            "is_physical": true,
            "cost": 12.34,
            "delivery_company": "FadEx",
            "method": "FREE",
            "delivery_date": "20211020",
            "is_forwarding_address": false,
            "geolocation": "-34.8798853,-56.1867859"


emailStringEmail address.
nameStringName & surname.
phoneStringPhone number.

Example Beneficiary object

"beneficiary": {
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "name": "John Doe",
            "phone": "09671268364",
            "document": "513672561"


The basket property contains a list of Item objects, used to provide information on the items purchased. Item objects are required for effective fraud prevention, within these the properties marked with "Recommended" are the most recommended ones to include.

unit_priceNumberUnit price.
brandStringProduct brand.
categoryStringProduct category.
item_referenceStringItem ID/Reference.
upcStringUniversal Product Code.
manufacturerStringProduct manufacturer.
product_nameStringProduct or service name.
quantityNumberQuantity of items purchased.
sizeStringProduct size (e.g. S, M, L, XL).
subcategoryStringThe item subcategory.
urlStringThe item URL.
published_dateStringDate when the product was added/published in the store. In YYYYMMDD format.
ratingNumberThe product rating, as a score from 1 to 5.
count_reviewsNumberNumber of customer reviews the product has received.
imageStringThe URL with the product image.
stockNumberThe quantity of products available for sale.
weightNumberThe product weight in .kg.
subscriptionObjectA subscription object can be used to specify additional data for subscription business models.
subscription.idStringSubscription ID/reference.
subscription.periodStringRenewal period in ISO 8601 format (P1M, P3M, P1Y etc).
subscription.current_periodNumberThe current subscription period that the recurring order belongs to.
subscription.end_dateStringSubscription end date. YYYYMMDD format.

Example Basket & Item object

"basket": [
                "unit_price": 199.90,
                "brand": "Smoogle",
                "category": "Smartphone",
                "item_reference": "SP-562138",
                "upc": "1758929364928",
                "manufacturer": "Smoogle",
                "product_name": "Pexel 25",
                "quantity": 2,
                "size": "regular",
                "subcategory": "Droid smartphones",
                "url": "https://www.merchant.com/products/SP-562138",
                "published_date": "20201113",
                "rating": 4.5,
                "count_reviews": 13,
                "image": "https://www.merchant.com/products/SP-562138/photos/1.jpg",
                "stock": 32,
                "weight": 0.34,
                "subscription": {
                    "id": "A15-D267125367",
                    "period": "P1M",
                    "current_period": 3,
                    "end_date": "20220101" 


email_is_validBooleanSet to TRUE if the payer's email has been validated.
phone_is_validBooleanSet to TRUE if the payer's phone number has been validated.
account_creation_dateStringDate of account creation in YYYYMMDD format.
first_purchase_dateStringDate of first successful purchase in YYYYMMDD format.
is_positiveBooleanSet to TRUE if this payer is considered as a positive user by the merchant, e.g. for regular customers with a good purchase history.
last_order_idStringLast order ID placed by this account, not including the current order.
total_order_countNumberThe total count of orders purchased by this account.
total_order_amountNumberThe total amount purchased by this account.
last_updated_dateDateThe last time a change was made to this account, e.g. changed address. YYYYMMDD format.
wish_listArrayA list of items that the user has in any or all of their favorites lists.
wish_list.item_referenceStringItem ID.
wish_list.unit_priceNumberItem unit price.
wish_list.product_nameStringItem name.
reputation NumberThe reputation of the payer, from 0 (negative) to 5 (positive).

Example Payer object

"payer": {
            "email_is_valid": true,
            "phone_is_valid": false,
            "account_creation_date": "20201110",
            "first_purchase_date": "20201110",
            "is_positive": false,
            "last_order_id": "1525634152634",
            "total_order_count": 12,
            "total_order_amount": 152.03,
            "last_updated_date": "20201020",
            "wish_list": [
                    "item_reference": "125312435",
                    "unit_price": 1300,
                    "product_name": "Pexel 25 for dummies"
            "reputation": 5

Discount Code List

The discount_codes list is a list of entries that represent the discount codes or promotions that are applied to this purchase.

amountNumberProduct discount amount at the moment of the purchase.
percentageNumberIf a percentage discount is applied the percentage of the total order amount the discount applies to e.g. 20% off purchase. This field should be NULL if the amount is provided.
code StringThe ID of the discount/code used.
valid_untilStringPromotion end date. In YYYYMMDD format.
descriptionStringA description of the discount.


The Device object is used to store information on the device (i.e. laptop, smartphone) used to make the purchase.

user_agentStringBrowser's User Agent property.
geolocationStringUser's geolocation.
localeStringBrowser's locale.
advertising_idStringAn advertising ID is a unique user ID assigned to a mobile device, or operating environment(apple: advertisingIdentifier, android: GSF ID).
vendor_idStringFor Apple, an alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies a device to the vendor (identifierForVendor).
android_idStringFor Android, 64-bit number (as a hex String) that the OS randomly generates when the user first sets up the device.
media_drm_idStringFor Android, the MediaDrm device unique ID.
event_uuidStringdLocal Device ID - see dLocal Device ID integration below.

Example Device object

"device": {
            "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36",
            "geolocation" : "-34.8798853,-56.1867859",
            "locale": "en-US",
            "advertising_id" : "EA7583CD-A667-48BC-B806-42ECB2B48606",
            "vendor_id": "uapff_93e9a58cc03a0e7f45c2cf50ca567a99",
            "android_id": "cdda802e-fb9c-47ad-9866-0794d394c913",
            "media_drm_id": "0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10"


The Purchase object is used to provide additional general information about the purchase.

is_retryBooleanIndicates if the payment is a retry by the user of the same previously rejected purchase attempt.
channelStringThe channel or source where the order was placed. See the list.
time_in_sessionStringThe time in seconds that a user spent within the session on the website or app before making the purchase.
search_historyArrayThe search_history list contains the list of products that the user visited within the session before making the purchase.
search_history.item_referenceStringThe item ID.
search_history.unit_priceStringThe item's unit price.
search_history.product_nameStringThe item's product name.

Example Purchase object

        "purchase": {
            "is_retry": false,
            "channel": "WEB",
            "time_in_session": 55,
            "search_history": [
                    "item_reference": "125312435",
                    "unit_price": 1300,
                    "product_name": "Pexel 25 for dummies"


car_rentalArrayUsed to store information about the car rental.
car_rental.insurance_chargesNumberTotal fees charged for the car insurance.
car_rental.pickup_cityStringName of the city.
car_rental.pickup_countryStringISO-3166 2-letter country code.
car_rental.pickup_dateStringDate of pick up. In YYYYMMDD format.
car_rental.rental_chargesStringTotal fees charged for the rental.
car_rental.return_cityStringName of the city.
car_rental.return_countryStringISO-3166 2-letter country code.
car_rental.return_dateStringDate of return. In YYYYMMDD format.
flight.itinerary.legs.carrier_codeStringIATA Carrier code (2 letters).
flight.itinerary.legs.class_of_travelStringOne letter travel class identificator (F/J/Y/W).
flight.itinerary.legs.departureStringIATA Airport code of departure (3 letters).
flight.itinerary.legs.departure_timeStringDate and time of departure (GMT-0) in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.
flight.itinerary.legs.destinationStringIATA Airport code of arrival (3 letters).
flight.passengersArrayUsed to store information about the passenger(s).
flight.passengers.date_of_birthStringDate of birth of the passenger(s). In YYYYMMDD format.
flight.passengers.ffp_IDStringFrequent Flyer program ID.
flight.passengers.first_nameStringFirst name of the passenger(s).
flight.passengers.last_nameStringLast name of the passenger(s).
flight.passengers.nationalityStringNationality of the passenger(s).
lodgingArrayLodging information.
lodging.amountNumberTotal fees charged per reservation.
lodging.check_in_dateStringDate of check-in. In YYYYMMDD format.
lodging.check_out_dateStringDate of check-out. In YYYYMMDD format.
lodging.cityStringName of city.
lodging.countryStringISO-3166 2-letter country code.
lodging.guestsNumberNumber of guests.
lodging.prepaid_expensesNumberPrepaid expenses for the booking.
lodging.roomsNumberNumber of rooms.

Example Travel object

"travel": {
    "car_rental": [
            "insurance_charges": 160.00,
            "pickup_city": "Montevideo",
            "pickup_country": "UY",
            "pickup_date": "2021-03-12",
            "rental_charges": 15.03,
            "return_city": "Buenos Aires",
            "return_country": "AR",
            "return_date": "20210320"
    "flight": {
        "itinerary": {
            "legs": [
                    "amount": 800.00,
                    "arrival": "MVD",
                    "arrival_time": "2021-04-29 07:16:24",
                    "carrier_code": "AR",
                    "class_of_travel": "F",
                    "departure": "EZE",
                    "departure_time": "2021-04-29 04:30:15",
                    "destination": "Montevideo"
        "passengers": [
                "date_of_birth": "19890703",
                "ffp_ID": "ABC3454",
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "nationality": "BR"
    "lodging": [
            "amount": 123,
            "check_in_date": "",
            "check_out_date": "",
            "city": "Montevideo",
            "country": "UY",
            "guests": 2,
            "prepaid_expenses": 0,
            "rooms": 1


additional_risk_data.driver.account_creation_dateStringDate of driver account creation in YYYYMMDD format.
additional_risk_data.driver.reputationNumberThe reputation of the driver, from 0 (negative) to 5 (positive).
additional_risk_data.driver.number_of_ridesNumberNumber of trips made by the driver.
additional_risk_data.driver.nameStringDriver name.
additional_risk_data.driver.phoneStringDriver phone.
additional_risk_data.driver.documentStringDriver document.
additional_risk_data.driver.user_referenceStringThe ID/reference of the driver account.
additional_risk_data.trip.pick_up_addressObjectPick up address.
additional_risk_data.trip.pick_up_address.zip_codeStringZIP code.
additional_risk_data.trip.pick_up_geo_locStringPick up geolocation.
additional_risk_data.trip.drop_off_addressObjectDrop off address.
additional_risk_data.trip.drop_off_address.zip_codeStringZIP code.
additional_risk_data.trip.pick_up_geo_locStringPick up geolocation.
additional_risk_data.trip.drop_off_geo_locStringDrop off geolocation.
additional_risk_data.trip.estimated_timeNumberEstimated travel time in minutes.
additional_risk_data.trip.distanceNumberDistance in KM.
additional_risk_data.rider.reputationNumberThe reputation of the driver, from 0 (negative) to 5 ate(positive).

Example Ridesharing object

   "driver" : {
            "account_creation_date": "20201110",
            "reputation": 5,
            "name":"John doe",
            "phone": "123456712345",
            "document": "53033315551",
         "trip" : {
                "state": "Montevideo",
                "city": "Montevideo",
                "zip_code": "11300",
                "street": "Avda. Brasil",
                "number": "1234 Ap. 501"
            "pick_up_geo_loc": "-34.8798853,-56.1867859",
                "state": "Montevideo",
                "city": "Montevideo",
                "zip_code": "11300",
                "street": "Avda. Brasil",
                "number": "1234 Ap. 501"
            "drop_off_geo_loc": "-34.8798853,-56.1867859",
  				 "rider" : {
						"reputation": 5

Appendix - Codes

Industry codes list

9Investing / Financial services
10IT Services
12Money remittance
14Prepaid cards
16Retail - Offline
17Retail - Online
21Software / Apps

Shipping methods list

FREEFree Shipping
PICKUPPickup in store

Purchase channel list

WEBUsers buy through the website.
PHONEOrders made by phone calls.
MOBILE_APPUsers buy through a mobile application.
SOCIALUsers buy through a social network platform (Facebook, Instagram).
MARKETPLACEUsers buy in an e-commerce store where products are sold by multiple sellers (Amazon).
IN_STOREOrders purchased in a physical store.