Learn everything you need to know to make payouts in Colombia with dLocal.
Mandatory parameters - Bank transfers
Mandatory parameter | Description | Flow type |
login | 32 chars | ALL |
pass | 32 chars | ALL |
external_id | Max. 100 chars | ALL |
document_id | See document validations below. | ALL |
document_type | NIT - Número de Identificación Tributaria CC - Cédula de Ciudadanía CE - Carnet Extranjeria PASS - Passport PEP - Permiso Especial de Permanencia | ALL |
beneficiary_name | Max. 50 chars | ALL |
beneficiary_lastname | Max. 50 chars | ALL |
country | CO | ALL |
bank_code | See bank codes below. | ALL |
bank_account | See bank account validations below. | ALL |
account_type | C: for Checking accounts S: for Savings accounts | ALL |
currency | COP or USD | ALL |
amount | Max. 2 decimal numbers | ALL |
address | Max. 200 chars | ALL |
comments | If string TRANSFIYA is sent in this parameter, the payment will be routed through the 24/7 Transfiya network. | ALL |
purpose | EPREMT - remittance Mandatory only for remittance (P2P) | P2P |
remitter_full_name | Max. 200 chars Mandatory only for remittance (P2P) | P2P |
remitter_address | Max. 200 chars Mandatory only for remittance (P2P) | P2P |
remitter_country | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code Mandatory only for remittance (P2P) | P2P |
Example request
"login": "1n234n56",
"pass": "HolAc123o",
"external_id": "1234567812345678b",
"document_id": "901.458.652-7",
"document_type": "NIT",
"beneficiary_name": "JUAN",
"beneficiary_lastname": "RUIZ",
"country": "CO",
"bank_code": "007",
"bank_account": "1234567891",
"account_type": "C",
"currency": "COP",
"amount": "2000000000.00",
"address": "calle 12# 12A - 12, Bogota"
"login": "1n234n56",
"pass": "HolAc123o",
"external_id": "1234567812345678b",
"document_id": "901.458.652-7",
"document_type": "NIT",
"beneficiary_name": "JUAN",
"beneficiary_lastname": "RUIZ",
"country": "CO",
"bank_code": "7",
"bank_account": "1234567891",
"account_type": "C",
"currency": "COP",
"amount": "2000000000.00",
"address": "calle 12# 12A - 12, Bogota",
"purpose": "EPREMT",
"remitter_full_name": "Carlos Ramirez",
"remitter_address": "Avenida Siempre Viva 742, Medellin",
"remitter_country": "CO"
Document validations
Validation | Name | Length | Type | Verification digit | Example |
Document | CC | Between 6 to 10 | numeric | No | 1.004.922.993 1004922993 |
Document | NIT | 10 or 11 | numeric | Last digit | 901.458.652-7 901458.6527 |
Document | PASS | up to 12 | characters | No | |
Document | CE | up to 12 | characters | No | |
Document | PEP | 15 | numeric | No |
Bank account validations
For every bank account the minimum length is 3 digits (they have to be different to cero) and for the banks that do not have a maximum length on the following table, the maximum length is 18.
Some banks require a specific structure for the bank_account
Bank | Bank code | Savings length (up to) | Checking length (up to) | Saving acc. example | Checking acc. Example |
Agrario | 040 | 12 | 12 | 123456789012 | 123456789012 |
Av. Villas | 052 | 11 | 13 | 12345678901 | 1234567890123 |
Banco de Bogota | 001 | 11 | 11 | 12345678912 | 12345678912 |
Banco de Occidente | 023 | 9 | 9 | 123456789 | 123456789 |
Bancolombia | 007 | 11 | 11 | 27213213912 | 96382852354 |
Bancoomeva | 061 | 12 | 12 | 123456789012 | 123456789012 |
BBVA | 013 | 16 | 16 (for payouts above 15K we only accept 9-digit accounts) | 1234567890123450 | 1234567890123450 |
Caja social BCSC | 032 | 12 | 12 | 123456789012 | 123456789012 |
Confiar | 292 | 9 | 9 | 123456789 | 123456789 |
Coopcentral S.A. | 066 | - | 9 | - | 123456789 |
Cooperativa financiera de Antioquía | 283 | - | 11 | - | 12345678901 |
Cotrafa cooperativa financiera | 289 | - | 13 | - | 1234567890123 |
Davivienda | 051 | 16 | 16 | 123456789012 | 123456789012 |
Davivienda - Transfiya | 051 | Accepts only 16-digit accounts. | Accepts only 16-digit accounts. | 1234567890123456 | 1234567890123456 |
Falabella S.A. | 062 | 12 | 12 | 123456789012 | 123456789012 |
Financiera Juriscoop | 121 | - | 12 | - | 123456789012 |
Itau | 014 | 9 | 9 | 123456789 | 123456789 |
Pichincha | 060 | 9 | 9 | 123456789 | 123456789 |
Popular | 002 | 9 | 9 | 620630925 | 645324752 |
Procredit | 058 | 13 | 13 | 1234567890123 | 1234567890123 |
Santander | 006 | 9 | 9 | 272132139 | 963828523 |
Scotiabank Colpatria | 019 | 10 | 10 | 1234567890 | 1234567890 |
Sudameris | 012 | 11 | 11 | 20834234590 | 10293845573 |
Bank codes
These are the values the bank_code
parameter can take in Colombia.
Bank Name | Bank Code |
Bancamia S.A. | 059 |
Banco Agrario | 040 |
Banco Av. Villas | 052 |
Banco Caja Social BCSC | 032 |
Banco Credifinanciera S.A. | 558 |
Banco Dale | 097 |
Banco Davivienda | 051 |
Banco de Bogota | 001 |
Banco de Occidente | 023 |
Banco Falabella S.A. | 062 |
Banco Finandina S.A. | 063 |
Banco J.P. Morgan Colombia S.A. | 71 |
Banco Mundo Mujer | 047 |
Banco Pichincha | 060 |
Banco Popular | 002 |
Banco Procredit | 058 |
Banco Santander de Negocios Colombia S.A. | 65 |
Banco Serfinanza S.A. | 069 |
Banco Sudameris | 012 |
Banco W S.A. | 053 |
Bancoldex S.A. | 031 |
Bancolombia | 007 |
Bancoomeva | 061 |
BBVA | 013 |
Citibank | 009 |
Coltefinanciera S.A. | 370 |
Confiar | 292 |
Coofinep Cooperativa Financiera | 291 |
Coopcentral S.A. | 066 |
Cooperativa Financiera de Antioquia | 283 |
Corpbanca Itau | 006 |
Cotrafa Cooperativa Financiera | 289 |
Daviplata | 551 |
Financiera Juriscoop | 121 |
Giros y Finanzas CF | 303 |
Iris | 637 |
Itau | 014 |
LULO BANK S.A. | 070 |
MiBanco S.A. | 067 |
Movii | 801 |
Nequi | 507 |
Rappipay | 811 |
Scotiabank Colpatria | 019 |
Updated about 2 months ago