Learn about the dLocal supported payment methods available by country.
Payment methods
dLocal support for payment methods varies by country.
The Payment Method Object contains the payment method details to create payments.
Payment method codes
To identify each payment method at the moment of creating a payment, you must fill in the accurate information in the payment_method_id
You can find all the payment method codes on every country page.
PM | Code | Example |
Card payments | To create card payments you can complete the payment_method_id field depending on the information that you have:- If you know what the payment method is, use the specific information of each of them. You can see the detailed information in the country-specific pages or by doing an API search. - If you don't know what the payment method is, you should use"CARD". | For payment with a Visa credit card in Argentina, you can use payment_method_id = "VI" or payment_method_id = "CARD" . |
Alternative Payments Methods | For other types of payments (eg: bank transfer), you should use the corresponding payment_method_id found in the country-specific pages. | For payment with Rapipago in Argentina, use payment_method_id = "RP" . |
Payment methods by country
Africa and the Middle East


Latin America
Country codes
You can find all the country codes available in the Country Reference section.
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