Brazil Pix payments

Learn how to start receiving Pix payments.

Pix is a Brazilian payment method, officially launched by the local Central Bank, that enables immediate payment confirmation and 24/7 availability. The user can complete the payment using any Home Banking or Ewallet App, by copying and pasting a Transaction ID or scanning a QR code (see example in the next section).



Pix payment method is only available in Brazil.

Pix payments support a REDIRECT or DIRECT flow.

Redirect Pix payment

In this flow, payment_method_flow is set to REDIRECT. The API returns a redirect_URL, which is used to redirect the user to a dLocal-hosted page (shown below). The user will be able to open any App that supports Pix (Home Banking and Ewallets) and decide whether to use the scan QR or the Transaction ID copy/paste option.

Using the REDIRECT method, the payment will have the PENDING status until the user confirms the payment, and dLocal gets notified (immediate after user confirmation).

PIX redirect display example.

Pix redirect display example.

Example request

    "amount": 100,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "country": "BR",
    "payment_method_id": "PQ",
    "payment_method_flow": "REDIRECT",
    "payer": {
        "name": "Thiago Gabriel",
        "email": "",
        "document": "53033315550"
    "order_id": "5346523564",
    "notification_url": ""
    "id": "D-4-75c7473a-ab86-4e43-bd39-c840268747d3",
    "amount": 100,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "payment_method_id": "PQ",
    "payment_method_type": "TICKET",
    "payment_method_flow": "REDIRECT",
    "country": "BR",
    "created_date": "2020-11-16T20:37:20.000+0000",
    "status": "PENDING",
    "status_detail": "The payment is pending",
    "status_code": "100",
    "order_id": "5346523564",
    "notification_url": "",
    "redirect_url": ""

Direct Pix payment

Pix payments are available via our Direct APMs solution (payment_method_flow = DIRECT). The important parameters are returned via API, so the merchant can build their own Pix UI.

Using the DIRECT method, the payment will have the PENDING status until the user confirms the payment, and dLocal gets notified (immediate after user confirmation).

    "amount": 100,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "country": "BR",
    "payment_method_id": "PQ",
    "payment_method_flow": "DIRECT",
    "payer": {
        "name": "Thiago Gabriel",
        "email": "",
        "document": "53033315550"
    "order_id": "5346523564",
    "notification_url": ""
    "id": "D-4-75c7473a-ab86-4e43-bd39-c840268747d3",
    "amount": 100,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "payment_method_id": "PQ",
    "payment_method_type": "TICKET",
    "payment_method_flow": "DIRECT",
    "country": "BR",
    "ticket": {
        "type": "CUSTOM",
        "number": "QRS2-BTCN44FJ6HDQLB0DKKN2",
        "expiration_date": "2020-11-22T01:59:00.000+0000",
        "id": "QRS2-BTCN44FJ6HDQLB0DKKN2",
        "barcode": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAfQAAAH0CAIAAABEtEjdAABdsUlEQVR4XuzUwYolSbZs2/P/P/s",
        "company_name": "DLOCAL BRASIL LTDA",
        "provider_name": "pix",
        "provider_logo": "",
        "image_url": "http://backoffice.dlocal.sandbox/gmf/payments/M-146aa2f0-094f-11e9-9f92-dbdad3ad0963"
    "created_date": "2020-11-16T20:37:20.000+0000",
    "status": "PENDING",
    "status_detail": "The payment is pending",
    "status_code": "100",
    "order_id": "5346523564",
    "notification_url": ""

Specific instructions

Mobile version instructions (Direct flow)

Copy and paste flow

  1. As users who are paying using Pix with their mobile device will not be able to scan the QR code, the mobile flow is based on copying and pasting the ticket.number to the Bank Application in order to complete the payment.
  2. Please use ticket.number for the Copy and Paste experience, the label presented to the user should be '"Copia e Cola" (The local and known term).

Desktop version instructions

Adding a QR code to the Pix payment page (Direct flow)

There are 2 ways of presenting the QR code to the user:

  1. Build a QR code using the ticket.number field
  2. Use the ticket.barcode field - It includes a Base64 encoded QR image.