Create an account

Learn how to create accounts and account owners.

Accounts and accounts owners

The accounts and account owners are created together and are related in a 1to1 structure.

An account-owner is the basic account structure that is needed to hold funds, make and receive payments, and issue cards.

To create an account you will need to provide the owner's KYC details such as full name, address, tax ID document.

Each account will have a unique account_id that will be needed to transact, query, transfer, top-up, and manage. This account_id is provided on API call response. You must store this value.

Create an account

The flow to register users and create accounts is:

  1. Create account-owner.
  2. Upload KYC-specific documents. Required only for Argentina and Brazil.
  3. Sent OTP Codes (email and phone number). Required only for Colombia.

You will then receive a final status once the account is approved.

By Country

Latin America


Simplified KYC
