Colombia Simplified KYC

See all the information to perform a light KYC process and create an account in Colombia.


Request Body

Owner object

first_name*StringOwner's first name. Length: up to 30.
last_names*StringOwner's last names. Length: up to 30.
document_type*StringOwner's personal identification type.

Length: up to 3.
document*StringOwner’s personal identification number.

Length: 6-10.
expedition_date*StringOwner's personal identification expedition date. YYYY-MM-DD. Note that for tests in Sandbox mode, the birth_date and the expedition_date must be +18 years old apart.

Length: 10.
phone*StringOwner's cellphone number. (Area code + phone number). Do not include country code.

Length: 10.
email*StringOwner's email.

Length: up to 40.
gender*CharM, F or O (Other). Length: 1.
nationality*StringNationality. Owner's country code. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2-code.

Length: 2.
birth_date*StringOwner's birth date. YYYY-MM-DD.

Length: 10.
terms_and_conditions_acceptedBooleanAccount's terms and conditions.

Length: 5.
address*StringOwner's address object.

Address object

country*StringOwner's country code. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2-code. (CO).

Length: 2.
state*StringOwner's address state code.

Length: 3.
city*StringOwner's address city code.

Length: 5.
zip_codeStringOwner's address zip code.

Length: up to 8.
street*StringOwner's address street.

Length: up to 35.
street_numberStringOwner's address street number.

Length: 10.
house_numberStringOwner's house number (floor, apartment).

Length: 15.
street2StringAdditional information on street.

Length: 100.
neighbourhood*stringOwner's neighbourhood

Length: 150.

Example request

    "account_reference": "Brayan test",
    "owner": {
        "first_name": "Brayan",
        "last_names": "Gallego",
        "document_type": "CC",
        "document": "1234567890",
        "expedition_date": "2009-04-29",
        "phone_number": "3212049765",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "gender": "M",
        "nationality": "CO",
        "birth_date": "1991-04-28",        
        "terms_and_conditions_accepted": true,
    "address": {
            "country": "CO",
            "city": "1",
            "state": "1",
            "zip_code": "110110",
            "street": "Calle 11",
            "street_number": "#4-41",
            "house_number": "Piso 1 Dpto 3",
            "street2": "Frente al Museo Botero",
            "neighbourhood": "La Candelaria",
    "description": "dLocal Wallet for Brayan",
    "account_reference": "Brayan Test",
    "owner": {
        "first_name": "Brayan",
        "last_names": "Gallego",
        "document_type": "CC",
        "document": "1234567890",
        "expedition_date": "2009-04-29",
        "phone_number": "3212049765",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "gender": "M",
        "nationality": "CO",
        "birth_date": "1991-04-28",        
        "terms_and_conditions_accepted": true,
    "address": {
            "country": "CO",
            "city": "1",
            "state": "1",
            "zip_code": "110110",
            "street": "Calle 11",
            "street_number": "#4-41",
            "house_number": "Piso 1 Dpto 3",
            "street2": "Frente al Museo Botero",
            "neighbourhood": "La Candelaria",
    "description": "dLocal Wallet for Brayan",
    "account_id": "ISGA-4-6e74c2ad431d4aa6a1be66bbeb55989f",
    "currency": "COP",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "status_code": "300",
    "status_detail": "The account is active",
    "creation_date": "2021-11-24T15:03:09.518Z",
    "cards": []

Document types

CCCédula de Ciudadanía6 to 10.
CECédula de Extranjería6 to 10.
PPTEstatuto Temporal de Protección de Migrantes Venezolanos6 to 10.

Location Catalogue

Download States, Cities and Zip Codes available in Colombia.